Try DriverMap Human Predesigned Targeted Expression Profiling Panels to easily profile your samples, using expertly curated sets of genes whose expression levels provide insights on cancer and inflammatory diseases, cell signaling, cell lineages, processes of differentiation and immune activation.
DriverMap Predesigned Panels Kit comes with all the reagents you need to produce sequence-ready libraries for 96 samples on the Illumina NextSeq and other models
1. Human Cell Marker Panel
Cell Marker Panel analyzes 1,285 genes that are present in 64 different cell types spanning adaptive and innate immunity cells, hematopoietic progenitors, epithelial cells, and extracellular matrix cells.
2. Human Hallmark Signature Panel
Hallmark Signatures Panel profiles expression of 4,304 genes involved in well-defined molecular pathways, biological states, or disease processes.
3. Human LINCSx Panel
LINCSx Panel profiles expression of 1,573 landmark genes in LINCS database that catalog changes that occur when cells are exposed to drugs and other perturbing agents. Genes linked to targets for FDA approved drugs and related targets and markers.
4. Human Pan-Caner Pathway Panel
Pan-Cancer Pathway Panel analyzes 2,094 gene expression levels involved in pathways often dysregulated in cancer.
5. Human Transcription Factor Signatures Panel
Transcription Factor Panel provides data for 6,401 possible regulatory pathways by linking 343 distinct transcription factors to 2,649 target genes.
Check out DriverMap™ Mouse PanCancer / LINCSx / Hallmark Expression Profiling Panel
Interested in a genome-wide profile? Get 50% OFF the DriverMap™ Genome-Wide Expression Profiling Kit
Email us for a quote or enter code DMKit50off* when ordering online.
*Limited-time offer expires December 31, 2018.
Heat Map comparing performance of DriverMap Human Hallmark Signatures Panel (4,304 genes) with DriverMap Genome-Wide Assay (~19,000 genes). Significant improvement in sensitivity is observed with the focused panel vs. genome-wide. Samples 1-5 are Human Universal RNAs from a variety of tissues and cell lines.