Single-Cell DriverMap AIR T-Cell and B-Cell Receptor Profiling Service

Cellecta offers a simple and efficient single-cell adaptive immune receptor (AIR) profiling service starting from FACS-sorted T- and B-cells in a 96-well plate format, avoiding the workflow complexity and high cost of microfluidics-based, single-cell workflows.

Unlike bulk adaptive immune receptor repertoire profiling, single-cell analysis of the T-cell receptor (TCR) or B-cell receptor (BCR) reveals paired-chain information and linked phenotypes, such as cell subtypes.

To take advantage of the service, simply send Cellecta FACS-sorted, individual T- or B-cells in 96-well plates. Cellecta will run the assay, analyze the results, and send out an analysis report with information on abundant clonotypes, chain pairing, and highly expressed T- or B-cell markers.


  1. Sample Preparation: Sort T- or B-cells in a 96-well plate with TE or PBS buffer, and ship the plate(s) to Cellecta.
  2. DriverMap™ Adaptive Immune Receptor (AIR) Assay & Sequencing: Cellecta will perform the DriverMap AIR multiplex RT-PCR amplification and subsequent sequencing using TCR α/β, TCR γ/δ, or BCR IGH/IGK/IGL primers along with 30 crucial T- or B-cell markers.
  3. Data Analysis: From the FASTQ files, data is obtained on abundant clonotype sequences, chain pairing information, and highly expressed T- or B-cell markers. A detailed analysis report will be sent to you in a few weeks.


  • Simple: Obtain a highly informative single-cell T-cell or B-cell profile simply and easily. Just send us FACS-sorted T/B cells in a 96-well plate and receive a complete analysis report a few weeks later
  • Efficient: Avoid the high costs and long timelines associated with the use of complex and expensive microfluidic platforms
  • Integrated AIR profiling and immunophenotyping data: Acquire essential information on both chain pairing and key phenotype markers


  • TCR Gene Rearrangement Analysis: Use paired chain information to clone sequences in Jurkat-NFAT Reporter Cells for epitope prediction studies and potential T-cell-based cancer immunotherapies.
  • Antibody Development: Utilize full-length IGH/IGK/IGL pairing information for antibody synthesis applications.
  • Neoantigen Discovery: Gain insights using paired-chain information into antigen-specific TCRs to learn more about their functional significance.

Additional Services

Combine the single-cell profiling service with DriverMap AIR bulk repertoire analysis to screen a large number of samples to find the most abundant clonotypes. This information helps downsample for single-cell analysis to obtain chain pairing information. Cellecta also offers full-suite cloning and packaging capabilities for cDNA constructs or packaged libraries and Jurkat-NFAT Reporter cell lines for antigen screening applications. 

Contact for more information.

Poster: Single-cell TCRα/β and TCRγ/δ immune receptor profiling and immunophenotyping using a 96-well plate sorted-cell approach


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