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Whole Blood Transcriptome Profiling using Microsampling Analysis of gene expression in blood reveals molecular signatures of disease or drug response patterns. In this application note, we present an efficient method for transcriptome profiling from a drop of blood easily collected (at home) onto a convenient device (Mitra® microsampling technology, see Fig. 1). We find that Cellecta’s DriverMap™ targeted RNA-Seq Expression Profiling assay can measure >18,400 protein-coding genes from one 30 µL microsampler with sensitivity and power comparable to those using standard methods. The sampled Mitra devices can be mailed to a laboratory for analysis after simple air-drying at room temperature, which will make blood transcriptome profiling much easier and more efficient, especially for repeated monitoring in clinical trials or disease-course studies.
Identifying Putative Biomarkers for Rheumatoid Arthritis Identification of biomarkers to diagnose disease, assess pathology, and select patients that will respond well to specific treatments has become an essential component of therapeutic drug development. In this application note, we present an effective and time-efficient approach using Cellecta’s DriverMap Adaptive Immune Receptor Repertoire (AIR) and Targeted RNA-Seq Expression Profiling (EXP) assays to identify putative biomarkers associated with Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) that correlate with treatment by a TNFα inhibitor.
Modified sgRNA Design Improves Results of CRISPR Knockout Screens The findings from this study clearly show that it is possible to substantially improve the quality of sgRNA libraries with just a few changes in constant 3′ region of the sgRNA where the Cas9 protein binds.
CRISPR vs. RNAi Dropout Viability Screens Similar loss-of-function dropout screens using CRISPR technology to knock out, rather than knock down, genetic targets have been shown to be an attractive alternative to RNAi-based screens. How do these two complementary screening approaches compare?
TGF-β Enrichment Screen A genetic screen experiment performed in collaboration withDr. Peiqing Sunat The Scripps Research Institute was designed to identify modulators that confer resistance to TGF-β-induced apoptosis in the Hep3B human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line.
Prostate Cancer Viability Screen The goal of this screen was to identify genes and corresponding androgen-dependent and independent signaling pathways which are critical for viability of prostate cancer cells but are not essential for cells of other tissue types. This study was made possible by NIH NCI Grant # 1R43CA134062-01, entitled “Viability Pathway Models in Prostate Cancer Cells.”