DriverMap RNA Profiling Kits Targeting Specific Sets of Human and Mouse Protein Coding Genes:
Access Cellecta's current primer database for customized DriverMap assays targeted to your specific genes of interest. As a result of the extensive work that has gone into the development of the Human DriverMap Genome-Wide Profiling Assay, Cellecta has designed primers for virtually all 19,000 human and approximately 5,000 mouse protein-coding genes. We can leverage this resource to make custom assays to specific subsets of human and some mouse protein-coding genes.
Just give us a list of target genes of interest and, in 8-10 weeks, we will....
- assemble the primer sets to target each of those genes of interest
- synthesize a multiplex PCR oligo pool with these primers, and
- confirm functionality of the DriverMap Primer Pool with Human Universal RNA.
Custom Development of Novel DriverMap Targeted Transcript Assays:
In addition to providing assays focused on specific sets of human and/or mouse genes, we can work with you to develop DriverMap Targeted Transcript assays for RNA from other organisms or non-coding RNA from human and mouse samples using the pipeline we have created for the development of the human DriverMap assay. The process to generate these novel DriverMap assays involves the development and testing of novel primers. As a result, the timeline and costs depend on the specifics of each project. Please contact us to discuss the details.