Fig. 1: Overview of Genetic Screen Analysis Services
Basic Report
The CRISPR Analysis workflow (Fig. 2) that results in our basic report includes the Model-based Analysis of Genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 Knockout (MAGeCK) essential data quality and control analyses, providing information on
- NGS data error distribution
- NGS data nucleotide content distribution analysis
- NGS data quality control summary, and
- CRISPR screening guide quality control

Fig. 2: CRISPR Analysis Workflow
Advanced Report (CRISPR Screening Analysis)
For more in-depth analysis, we have developed several bioinformatics modules to support the analysis of various CRISPR screening projects, an advanced report, including:
MAGeCK Analysis (Default Option)
MAGeCK (Model-based Analysis of Genome-Wide CRISP-Cas9 Knockout) analysis integrates both RRA (Robust Rank Aggregation) and MLE (Maximum Likelihood Estimation) methods to consistently identify genes with significant enrichment or depletion, offering deep insights into gene function and the pathways involved in your experiments.
RRA is the preferred method in MAGeCK analysis due to its ability to aggregate sgRNA ranks, and provide robust gene ranking. It effectively handles variability across guides and reduces noise, making it highly reliable for large-scale CRISPR screens. MLE, on the other hand, is ideal for studies involving different isolines, offering precise, quantitative estimates of gene effects in diverse genetic backgrounds.
Additional MAGeCK features
Our analysis includes RRA Comparison Summaries, Volcano Plots of Selected Genes, and MLE Comparison Summaries, offering a detailed distribution of gene beta scores and identification of positively and negatively selected genes. Pathway enrichment analysis (Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA), KEGG, Gene Ontology (GO), Reactome) is also available.
DrugZ (Drug Screening Analysis) - by request only
DrugZ is tailored for CRISPR screens involving drug treatments, detecting genes that influence drug sensitivity or resistance. It offers a focused approach to identifying drug-gene interactions to advance drug discovery and precision medicine.
CRISPR Tiling Analysis
Cellecta designs CRISPR tiling libraries and provides bioinformatics analysis for screens using them. This analysis technique identifies functional domains within proteins, and critical elements in annotated genes or enhancers by targeting multiple gene segments. Analysis of tiling screens helps uncover "drop out" regions, revealing essential genomic elements and key protein domains (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3 CRISPR tiling analysis data
Ready to get new insights from your functional screening data? Let us know what you need on the form to request a quote now or contact us at info@cellecta.com for more information. Our expert team is happy to assist you superpower your research.