To make an lentiviral shRNA construct, we only need to know the RefSeq number. We typically design and clone 3-5 constructs that target your transcript. Our proprietary shRNA design delivers approximately 70% shRNAs that generate >70% transcript knockdown in standard cell lines as measured by qRT-PCR so it is likely that at least 2 of 3 or 3 of 5 constructs will be effective.
We make the inserst, clone them, and sequence the constructs to verify correct construction. You receive several of our best-designed constructs to test and characterize to see which best matches your experimental needs. We can provide the plasmid constructs, or you have the option to also package the constructs as ready-to-transduce lentiviral particles.
We do not guarantee this level for any specific target, and the percentage of highly effective shRNAs will vary from target to target.