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Easy-to-run, single-day assay that uses multiplex qRT-PCR and NGS to profile expressed T-cell receptor (TCR) and/or B-cell receptor (BCR) repertoire of CDR3 region from mouse RNA samples.The DriverMap AIR RNA-based assay allows sensitive detection of the immune receptor repertoire, which is especially important in identifying rare TCR and BCR clonotypes. The DriverMap AIR TCR/BCR Profiling Kit for Mouse offers:
The most comprehensive profile of the CDR3 regions of all hyper-variable TCR chains (TRA, TRB, TRG, and TRD) and BCR chains (IGH, IGK, and IGL) in a single reaction from a single sample (Fig 1).
Sensitive and reproducible profiling of samples across multiple sample types such as PBMC, whole blood, tissue, or FFPE samples.
All-inclusive kit contains all the enzymes, reagents, and primers to prepare NGS-ready libraries from 24- or 96- samples of total RNA.
Analysis pipeline on MiXCR software (MiLaboratories, Inc.) for adaptive immune profiling
Fig 1: DriverMap AIR mouse RNA assay detects all seven BCR and TCR clonotypes in a single multiplex reaction.
Technology Guide: DriverMap AIR Technology Guide for an introduction to AIR technology and for recommendations on designing an AIR profiling experiment