May 3-4, 2022, Novotel London West, London UK
Digital Day May 5, 2022
Click here to see the agenda
Come and see us at Booth 10
Conference Room 2; Tuesday, May 3, 2022 - 2:55 - 3:25 p.m.
Flexible, Scalable Genetic Screens And Other Methods For Novel Therapeutic Target And Biomarker Discovery
Speaker: Paul Diehl, COO, Cellecta
- Measurements of changes in gene activation and expression provide a basis to understand genetic changes causing biological responses
- Cell-to-cell gene disruption induced by CRISPR and other gene-perturbation technologies help tease out the drivers of these responses. Adaptations of these two screening approaches can be used to discover the genetic drivers responsible for phenotypic variabilities such as drug sensitivities and disease variation
- Other related technologies such as clonal barcoding and transcriptome profiling will also be discussed