March 15-17, 2023 at Firenze Fiera in Florence, Italy
Come visit us at Booth 6 in the exhibit hall
I. Industry Symposium
Thursday, March 16, 2023 from 14:00 - 14:30h in the Auditorium
Title: TCR/BCR Repertoire Analysis and Other Approaches for the Discovery of Drug Targets, Resistance Mechanisms, and Biomarkers
Flexible and Scalable Genetic Screens for Discovery and Characterization of Novel Therapeutic Targets
Speaker: Paul Diehl, Ph.D., Chief Operating Officer, Cellecta, Inc.
The measurements of changes in gene activation and expression provide a basis to understand the genetic changes that cause biological responses of interest. Cell-to-cell gene disruption induced by CRISPR and other gene-perturbation technologies help tease out the drivers required for these responses. We will discuss how adaptations of these two screening approaches can be used to discover the genetic drivers responsible for phenotypic variabilities, such as drug sensitivities, disease variation, and degrees of differentiation within cell populations, across tissue microenvironments, and between single cells.
Talk 2:
Immunophenotyping of T-Cell and B-Cell Receptor Clonotypes for Biomarker Discovery
Speaker: Alex Chenchik, Ph.D., President and Chief Scientific Officer, Cellecta, Inc.
T-cell receptor (TCR) and B-cell receptor (BCR) repertoire profiling holds great potential for understanding disease mechanisms. We introduce a novel technology for profiling of all human TCR and BCR variable regions together with phenotypic characterization of immune cells in bulk in PBMCs and immune cell fractions. Preliminary data shows that TCR/BCR clonotype analysis combined with targeted expression profiling of immune cells can be applied for large-scale discovery in several immune-responsive model systems. We will present data from cancer and rheumatoid arthritis samples.
II. Poster Presentation
Thursday, March 16, 2023, 18:15- 19:15h, Passo Perduti,
Poster Board Number: 102
Adaptive immune receptor (AIR) repertoire profiling for biomarker discovery
Presenter: Alex Chenchik, Ph.D.