Catalog #: YRAW2647-C9-CMV

Cas9-Expressing Cell Lines for CRISPR KO

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Product Information

Cas9-Expressing Cell Lines for CRISPR Knockout (KO). For use as a cell line in CRISPR knockout screens and other studies, or as controls with Cellecta's CRISPR-Test assays.  Also available are  dCas9-Expressing Cell Lines for CRISPR activation (CRISPRa) and  dCas9-Expressing Cell Lines for CRISPR inhibition (CRISPRi)

Cellecta Pre-Made Cas9 expressing cell linesare functionally validated using our CRISPR-Test assays (data is available in the product certificates) and are known to have high enough Cas9 activity to ensure successful CRISPR screens. 

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