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Track the fate of cell clones over a course of drug treatment or during differentiation, tumorigenesis or other processes. This 50M barcodes library enables you to easily label more than a million cells with heritable unique barcodes. RNA-expressed barcodes that are readily detected in RNA-Seq and single-cell expression analysis
CloneTracker XP Libraries incorporate barcodes into the UTR of an RNA transcript. This library have the barcode in the 3'-UTR compatible with oligo-dT cDNA synthesis protocols.
* Sequences are available in FASTA (.txt), GenBank (.gb), and SnapGene (.dna) formats. You may use thefree SnapGene Viewerto open .dna files. If you would like vector files in another format, pleasecontact us. To download .txt and .gb files, right click on the link and Save As.