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Product Information
Module 3 of the Cellecta's Human Genome-Wide (hGW) shRNA Library. Module 1 of this library targets ca. 6,300 genes, including cell surface markers, extracellular matrix genes, and DNA binding genes. The library contain 8 sgRNA to each gene target.
Cellecta's three-module pooled lentiviral Human Genome-Wide shRNA library targets nearly all protein-encoding genes. It covers virtually all genes in the human genome, and each gene is targeted by 8 hairpins. The library includes shRNA-specific barcodes that provide an alternative to direct sequencing of the shRNA target sequence which sequence inconsistently due to the stem-loop structure.
The library is available in either plasmid or lentiviral packaged formats.
* Sequences are available in FASTA (.txt), GenBank (.gb), and SnapGene (.dna) formats. You may use thefree SnapGene Viewerto open .dna files. If you would like vector files in another format, pleasecontact us. To download .txt and .gb files, right click on the link and Save As.