Catalog #: SHCTL-LUC-PRSIT17

Tet-Inducible Luciferase shRNA Control in Lentiviral Vector

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Product Information

Tet-inducible shRNA targeting the luciferase protein in a standard lentiviral construct. The U6 promoter driving shRNA expression is responsive to the tetracycline analog doxocycline. Typically used as a negative control for RNAi studies, but can be used to knockdown luciferase in cells engineered to express the targeted luciferase variation.

Catalog #  Description   Vector Type
SHCTL-LUC-pRSIT16 CMV_RFP_Puro shLuc Control (non-targeting) in pRSIT16-U6Tet-(sh)-CMV-TetR-RFP-Puro plasmid
SHCTL-LUC-pRSIT16-V CMV_RFP_Puro shLuc Control (non-targeting) in pRSIT16-U6Tet-(sh)-CMV-TetR-RFP-Puro virus
SHCTL-LUC-pRSIT17 CMV_GFP_Puro shLuc Control (non-targeting) in pRSIT17-U6Tet-(sh)-CMV-TetR-GFP-Puro plasmid
SHCTL-LUC-pRSIT17-V CMV_GFP_Puro shLuc Control (non-targeting) in pRSIT17-U6Tet-(sh)-CMV-TetR-GFP-Puro virus


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