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All-in-one Tetracycline-Inducible CRISPR Cas9 Lentiviral Vector. The tet-inducible Cas9 construct contains all the elements needed for transduction and stable integration of an inducible Cas9 gene for CRISPR-mediated gene editing.
A. The first option is for a construct expressing Cas9 when doxycycline is present in the cell medium. The Cas9 protein can be expressed for a limited period to catalyze genomic editing and then shut down for subsequent use of the engineered cells. This is available in plasmid or packaged formats.
B. The second option is a construct expressing Cas9-BFP fusion when doxycycline is present. This option allows real-time monitoring of induction by measuring BFP fluorescence. This is available in plasmid or packaged formats.
Cellecta also can make stable custom cell lines with robustly inducible and tightly regulated Cas9 expression for cell engineering and CRISPR screening applications.